First log in to your FusionPBX install
Next click Accounts / Extensions
Next client the Plus (+) sign on the right hand side of the page
Now enter the extension details. The only thing required, and the only thing we are going to enter, is the extension number for example 200
and click save to save the extension settings. Now we’re going to click on the edit extension button, next to the extension we just created.
And now click in the password box, which will display the auto generated password for the extension
You can enter your own password here or accept the auto generated password. This will be used on the handset as the password for the account.
Now we need to set the caller id to be presented to the outside world. The caller ID name will only show up on Nehos CDR Records. The caller ID number must be a 10 digit national number that you own (13/1800 and mobile numbers are not valid).
Hit Save.
Next we need to take the username extension number above as well as the password and use these in your IP Phone to register / use your Fusion PBX.